Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Closet Overflow

Has this ever happened to you?

Someone is coming to your house, unexpectedly (like in an hour), and your place is a mess!  You go through the house and do the quick clean - shoving everything in a closet.  They come over - you enjoy their company.  Share stories, laugh, eat, drink.
You say your goodbyes.

Then, a similar situation happens again.
You do the quick clean and put more items in the closet.  You're beginning to run out of space because what you had put in there is still there.

The cycle goes on until the closet can't close anymore.
Then we look for other closets to hide our stuff.

Sooner or later what was put in the closet has to be dealt with.

Isn't that just like our lives?

We go and keep putting things in "closets" or "compartments" in our heart and say, "I'll take care of that later."

We put away our hurts, we shove down our disappointments, we hide our pain, etc.  we keep piling them up on top of each other but, as long as we can still close the door, we think we're doing fine.

Keep putting the smile on.
Keep going through the motions.

Until one day the door won't close anymore and the "stuff" begins to spillover into other areas of our lives.

Have you been there?
I know I have.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been going through areas of my home and getting rid of things.

One drawer
One closet
At a time

It's a symbolic gesture of cleaning out my heart, as well.  Getting rid of layers of stuff.

One prayer
One forgiveness
One healing 
At a time

Difficult, yes.
But, not impossible.

I've been ready.

Are you ready -
To clean out your "closet"?

What do you need to finally let go?
What is taking up unnecessary space in your life?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Value Perspective

Today I stopped and began thinking of defining moments in my life.

Has this ever happened to you?  Sometimes when everything is quiet and I actually get some time alone, I am taken back to moments that have shaped who I am now...

Like many families, when I was growing up there wasn't a lot of extra resources. 

There were 7 of us, but that didn't stop my mother's creativity.

I have memories of her reupholstering & refinishing furniture, making art, and painting.

I trailed along, and watched her enjoy trips to thrift stores and flea markets. 

When she brought things home she enlisted my help in rearranging furniture.  It amazed me how many different ways she could reconfigure a room. Every time she brought something home, no matter what it was, the room was rearranged to celebrate its arrival.

All those years of watching her, she created a beautiful home without a huge budget.

She taught me that you really create a "home" environment out of love and imagination.  

Growing up the way I did has allowed me to always think outside the box and be inventive.

I can't tell you how many times I have resorted to the things my mother has done.

She saw value in the things at the time I could not.  What was once discarded became part of the design of our home.

Not only did that help me in decorating spaces but also in how I see value in other people.  Each person can add something different and significant to the world.

 (My Mom and Dad)

Now I teach my children.  They help me rearrange.. I get their input.. We get creative together.

The seed is planted again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Miracle

This past weekend was Easter but it was also my daughter's birthday!

I started thinking about her and the miracle she is..

When I was pregnant I knew there was something wrong
You know what I am talking about, Moms?  Our knower just kicks in..this pregnacy was different than my first.

I kept my fear inside and didn't share except to God in my prayers.

One day I woke up and told my husband that I think I needed to go to the hospital to get checked.
They ran their tests and were about to send me home when one doctor said to try a different exam.  There was no amniotic fluid and rushed me to have an emergency c-section.

I was so scared
Scared for my little girl

The rest of that night is a blur
bits and pieces in my memory

I saw her several hours later with that little face poking through her swaddle.  Flat face with a small button nose and large dark eyes..
I immediately felt to protect her..
My husband telling someone to pray that the doctors were concerned.

She didn't look like a normal baby but was beautiful
Ear closed up
One leg bowed
Flat faced
No neck
But she was mine!

The doctor kept doing test upon test on her until there was no place else to cut on her little feet.
5 days..
5 days of being told she would never be like her older sister
5 days of being told I needed to face reality

There was something inside that wouldn't let me settle for that.
I prayed.  Her Dad prayed.
We brought her home.

I looked at my little angel.
She was so good.
Slept through the night and was never fussy.

and then
we started to see a miracle

the ear that once was closed opened
the neck that wasn't was
the flat face began to take shape

but those beautiful eyes never went anywhere

I remember taking her to visit my OB/GYN and he cried (literally) saying this couldn't be the baby he delivered.
Then my husband and I took her to the geneticist @ 2yrs of age and she was in shock.  My daughter was writing on a chalkboard and playing games..everything they said she wouldn't be able to do.

Now my sweetheart celebrated her birthday the big 13!  Oh my!  What a privilege it has been being her mother.  Watching this miracle grow into a young woman. 

It's wonderful to look back and see the good that has happened in your life.  She is my reminder that there is 'Nothing that is impossible for God'...even when it looks like there is :)

What are some of your moments? 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Designing Life

I have been thinking about "Design" for the past several months and what that means to me personally and to Modern Earth Design.

I do love creating beautiful spaces and all the layers it takes to make that happen.  It's a passion that I get lost in and won't ever get tired of.

However, I just don't want a great designed home I want a designed life.  Living not on accident or by default but on purpose.  I want my talents and life experiences to enrich the lives of others.

So, my blog is going to take a different turn and I am excited about it!

Yes, I will still be discussing interiors and latest projects but I will also be talking about life and what I am doing in "Designing Life".  Maybe along my journey you will be able to use something for your own.

Welcome to Modern Earth Design
"Designing Life"

Side Note..There will be changes taking place to the look of the blog over the next couple months
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