Monday, August 22, 2011

Northern Natural Beauty

Good Morning : )
I know that it's still August but I can feel fall in the air.  It's just a little bit crisper outside and the weather is enticing me to go and enjoy it.

Several weeks ago I promised that I would share some pics from my husband's trip to Newfoundland, Canada (which is where he is from).  I think you will be taken by the raw beauty of this place.

(that's my husband, Corey, with his nephews)
Corey catching a North Atlantic Cod
Corey's dad caught a pretty large one!

I think they had a great time don't you.  Take some time today to get outside and enjoy the fresh will do you good.  Have a great week all.


  1. That is crazy beautiful!! BTW, there's a different quality to the light, too. Have you noticed that or is it just me? :)

  2. Hey, Jules! You know I never thought about


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